For this reason I can support this constellation only, am sorry. This ENB-Preset was created and configurated with a used NVIDIA graphical card. Now it is changed based on the Rudy ENB 5.0c (422) for Vanilla with a really not bad performance and very good stability to use for playing the game mainly!!! Started based on the Rudy ENB 4.3a (366) for Vanilla Skyrim Weather updated to be able to make it possible to work with the latest available ENBSeries. But it was only possible with my favorite Rudy ENB based and all main work was done by my very kindly friend on NEXUS the author or creator Rudy102!!! If you like my ENB also credit it to him HERE, please!!! And yes, I have his permission to publish this ENB-Preset!!!
This is my custom upgraded ENB I want to share now. Here you also can get her personal and very awesome own version of the SkyVision ENB optional now!!! And she has near fully rights like me into our project. Now I want to proudly present Queenieangel as my official team mate!!! She is also very experimental to tweak ENB-Presets with really good results. Designed for to be able to play the game mainly with a really not bad balance between look, performance and stability!!! Now also with own version from Queenieangel available!!! Based on the Rudy ENB for Vanilla Skyrim Weather possible to work with the latest ENBSeries.